How to install AD Tool and other RSAT tools on Windows 10 1809 and later

Active Directory tool is always a very handy tool for most Windows administrators. However, this tool does not come with Windows by default. Prior to Windows 10 build 1803, the easiest way is download the RSAT package from the below link, install the package, and then go to “Add Program Feature” to install it.

Download Remote Server Administration Tools for Windows 10 from Official Microsoft Download Center

Since Windows 10 build 1809, Microsoft does not provide a standalone package any more. The easiest way is to install it from Powershell. Here are the steps:

1. Start Powershell as Administrator, and run this command to install the RSAT tools:

Get-WindowsCapability -Name RSAT* -Online | Add-WindowsCapability -Online

If everything goes well, you should receive installation successful like below screen. And then you should be able to find the tool in programs and start enjoy the tool.

Possible errors and fix during the process

If you get error like this during installation: “… Add-WindowsCapability failed. Error code = 0x800f0954”. Chances are that your group policy has disabled your ability to install the options features.

Run “gpedit.msc” to edit your local computer policy.

The setting in question is: [Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\System\Specify settings for optional component installation and component repair]

Change it to “Enabled” and selecting the checkbox labeled “Download repair content and optional features directly from Windows Update instead of Windows Server Update Services (WSUS)”. Then rerun the Powershell command.

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