Looking for Locking / Blocking Sessions in ORACLE

There are many ways to find locking /blocking sessions in Oracle, this is what I normally use.

     a.sid Blocker_SID,
     sb.username || ' by ' || sb.osuser||'@'|| sb.Machine  Blocker,
     sb.Program "Blocker Program",
     a.sid || ', ' ||sb.serial# Blocker_SID_Serial,
     ' is blocking ' Blockage,
     se.username || ' by ' || se.osuser||'@'|| se.Machine Blockee,
     se.Program "Blockee Program",
     b.sid || ', ' ||se.serial# Blockee_Sid_Serial,
 FROM v$lock a join v$lock b
     ON a.block = 1 and b.request > 0 and a.id1 = b.id1 and a.id2 = b.id2
 LEFT join v$session sb on a.sid=sb.sid
 LEFT join v$session se on se.sid=b.sid
 LEFT join v$sql vs on vs.sql_id =COALESCE(sb.sql_id,sb.prev_sql_id);
    Using COALESCE(sb.sql_id,sb.prev_sql_id) to join the Previous SQL ID 
    in the case the Blocker's query has completed but the lock is not released (open transaction) 

If Blocker is identified, in certain case you many need to kill the blocker session with below command:


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